Sustainable Enterprise Project
Enhancing environmental sustainability and climate resilience are becoming increasingly important for sustaining Bangladesh’s economic progress. Embarking on a greener growth pathway would provide major benefits for Bangladesh in terms of increased productivity and innovation, access to new markets, generation of public revenue, and reduction of vulnerability to shocks. In this context, PKSF is now implementing a Government approved project named ‘Sustainable Enterprise Project (SEP)’ funded by the World Bank. The Project Development objective of SEP is set as “to increase the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices by targeted microenterprises”. Micro-enterprises are a vital component within the economic system of Bangladesh. Fifty-Six (56) percentage of our employment generates from this sector. Recognizing the potentiality of this sector, PKSF is implementing several programs and projects through178 Partner Organizations (POs) at the grass root level. At the same time, improving environmental sustainability and climate resilience are also important in maintaining Bangladesh’s economic progress.

The objective of SEP
The objective of SEP is to increase the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices by targeted microenterprises. SEP has selected 30 lead districts as the project working area to demonstrate the project impact on different sub-sectors. The project prioritizes a selected number of polluting microenterprise business clusters and supports the expansion of innovative economic activities conducive to a more sustainable environment. To facilitate the support to the Microenterprise (ME) clusters and the MEs through the selected POs, the project is following a stepwise process beginning with submission of Sub-Project Concept Note (SPCN). The POs would be encouraged to collect information from the clusters they are familiar with and submit cluster level Sub-Project Concept Note (SPCN). After acceptance of the SPCN, the selected POs receive financing to support the environment friendly activities at the PO level and are requested to share the Detail Sub-Project Proposal (DSPP). The objective of the DSPP is therefore to assess the detail plan and needs of the cluster and cluster members to implement the proposed common activities of the sub-project.SEP Main Activities
- Prepare the questioners, Engage for collecting data’s Report from the baseline survey
- Modern machineries for electric products making for common service
- Physical testing facilities (Impact testing, Durability Etc.) development
- Waste carrier van (a tri wheeler rickshaw van, to carry the wastages in to dumping station)
- Waste Basket at Factory/Working Place Level
- EcoFriendly Model Factory Improvement
- Establishment of service cum information hub
- Environment al Certification
- Product Certification
- Business Certification
- Increased bargaining power, knowledge sharing etc. among producers
- Video documentary
- Baseline Survey
- Final Evaluation
- E-Flat form (Website development, Upload and publicity for having popularity of the designed web)
- Borrowers/ME Training for Professional Certification (Electric work permit for electrician)
- Demonstrating Model ME/electric product design etc. and published at SEP website
- Printing & publication
- Describe the project activities

- Number of district District-1, Dhaka
- Number of upazila Upazilas:1 Keraniganj, Thana: 3(Jatrabari, Demra, Shyampur )
- Number of union Unions – 08; Ruhitpur, Shyampur, Atibazar, Kholamora, Sharulia, Rajendrapur, Delpara, Tarabo.
- Total targeted number of microenterprises (mes) 300